Plum Pork Ribs

1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
6 peeled, sliced, black plums
7 whole allspice
2/3 bottle of Japanese Plum Wine
2 lbs of pork ribs

in slow cooker on high, melt butter and sugar together. Add allspice, plums, and just enough wine to cover the fruit. Stir, cover, and turn to low for 1 hr. Used stick blender to break up the fruit and marry all the ingrediants together into a sauce.

Turn back on high and add the pork. Stir it around a bit, coating the meat with the fruit sauce and lightly browning the pork. Then add the remaining wine and, once simmering, turn back to low and cook for 3 more hours, uncovered (to allow the alcohol to evaporate).

Makes an extremely soft, lightly spiced, fruity meat.

Serves 6-7

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